PKB The clinical and laboratory tests were completed before and after 6 months of the therapy tuskonus December 30, 2021
PDE The embryoid bodies were fixed when the EBs had attached, and cells had migrated and appeared differentiated (12C20 times after hanging drop) tuskonus December 27, 2021
Other Nitric Oxide Based on the previous literature, we systematically assorted the dose of donepezil from 0 tuskonus December 14, 2021
Other Pharmacology All analyses were completed using Review Manager version 5 tuskonus December 12, 2021
p75 Mostly experienced toxicities almost all marks were gastrointestinal (73 tuskonus December 10, 2021
PKC As tumours are heterogeneous, positive selection of a drug-resistant population could help drive resistance, although acquired resistance cannot simply be viewed as overgrowth of a resistant cancer cell population tuskonus December 8, 2021
Ornithine Decarboxylase Sterile filtered culture supernatant of a 24 h culture had the same QS-inhibiting effect as the co-culture, indicating that the QS-inhibiting compound(s) were excreted tuskonus December 7, 2021