Dataset filters were set as data type (mRNA) and dataset size ( 150 samples)
Dataset filters were set as data type (mRNA) and dataset size ( 150 samples). Expression of human 17-HSD7 has been reported in the ovary, placenta, mammary gland, liver, and brain (Krazeisen et al., 1999). At present, it is generally accepted that 17-HSD7 is primarily involved in cholesterol synthesis rather than in steroidogenesis (Marijanovic et al., 2003; Ohnesorg et al., 2006). This has had a marked effect on the direction of studies involving this enzyme and explains the limited number of studies addressing its Arbidol function in steroid hormone biosynthesis and related diseases including BC. 17-HSD7 was first detected as prolactin receptor-associated protein in rat (Duan et al., 1997). Detection of a high Rabbit polyclonal to AHR expression level in the corpus luteum of pregnant mice supported the assumption of its role in E2 synthesis (Nokelainen et al., 1998). The predominant involvement of 17-HSD7 in cholesterol metabolism rather than in sex steroid synthesis, was further supported by the observation that although 17-HSD7 knockout mice were fertile, they bred nonviable fetuses due to defective cholesterol biosynthesis in the brain (Breitling et al., 2001; Shehu et al., 2008). In order to gain a better understanding of the role of 17-HSD7 in BC, we re-initiated this functional study of 17-HSD7 with an emphasis on clarifying its contribution to sex hormone biosynthesis and BC stimulation (Canadian Institutes of Health Research Project Sulfatase and aromatase pathways for estradiol synthesis in human breast cancer cells, tissues and animal models: identifying a combinatory therapy, since 2009). In the present study, 17-HSD7 in BC cells (ER+ cell lines Arbidol MCF-7 and T47D; ER-negative (ER?) cell line BT-20) was inhibited with a selective inhibitor (Bellavance et al., 2009). The effects generated by 17-HSD7 inhibition were carefully evaluated in terms of cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, and E2/DHT formation. An experimental therapeutic study was also performed on a murine xenograft model generated with wild-type MCF-7 cells. Moreover, the Oncomine dataset (Rhodes et al., 2004) with an extensive cancer microarray database was interrogated to confirm the overexpression status of 17-HSD7 in various breast carcinomas. The critical involvement of 17-HSD7 in steroid metabolism and stimulation of BC cells was demonstrated, and through and studies, 17-HSD7 was characterized as a novel therapeutic target for postmenopausal ER+ BC. Results 17-HSD7. inhibitor at low concentrations suppressed cell proliferation and arrested cell cycle in the G0/G1 phase by inhibiting cyclin D1 and activating p21 With reference to the Arbidol IC50 values of the inhibitors (INH7 or INH1) (Table ?(Table1),1), concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 2 M (IC50 to 10 IC50) were selected to investigate the anti-proliferative effect in response to specific enzyme inhibition. A significant dose-dependent reduction in DNA synthesis Arbidol was observed in parallel to attenuated cell proliferation in MCF-7 (Figure ?(Figure1A)1A) and T47D cells (Supplementary Figure S1A). Treatment with 2 M (10 IC50) INH7 suppressed MCF-7 cell proliferation by 33% vs. 18% with INH1, and 1.2 M INH7 reduced proliferation of T47D cells by 26% vs. 35% with INH1. However, neither INH7 nor INH1 displayed an anti-proliferative effect in ER? BT-20 cells (Supplementary Figure S2A). Cell viability at a low concentration range (0.2C2 M) was tested with MTT (data not shown) and no cytotoxic effect was observed within this dose range. These results demonstrated that INH7 showed higher anti-proliferative effectiveness than INH1 in MCF-7, whereas they showed related efficacies in T47D cells with higher manifestation of 17-HSD1 (Table ?(Table22). Table 1 Characteristics of 17-HSD1 and 17-HSD7 inhibitors used in this study. 0.05 vs. Arbidol control (Ctrl). (B) Cell cycle analysis of MCF-7 cells treated with INH7 or INH1. Data are reported as % of living cells (G0/G1, S, and G2/M cells = 100%). Each quantity represents the imply of experiments carried out in triplicate (imply SD). Statistical significance ( 0.05) by Student’s 0.05 vs. control (Ctrl); ** 0.001 vs. Ctrl. (D) Cyclin D1, p21, and PCNA protein manifestation determined by western blot in MCF-7 cells treated with INH7. Data are reported as mean SD (= 3) of the individual experiments. Statistical significance by Student’s 0.05 vs. control (Ctrl); ** 0.001 vs. Ctrl. (E) 17-HSD1/7 protein manifestation determined by western blot in MCF-7 cells treated with INH1 and INH7, respectively. Data are.