From empirical optimization, a 40?s exposure at 20?mW/cm2 was used to complete fsPAG formation
From empirical optimization, a 40?s exposure at 20?mW/cm2 was used to complete fsPAG formation. band (fast association) or the immunocomplex band may dissociate/disperse (slow association). To empirically determine the kinetic regime of the EMSA Rolitetracycline for this binding system, we estimated that each Fab will likely have 1??10?4?s?1< 1.0. For E?=?50?V/cm, the EMSA exceeded unity after just 30C35?seconds of elapsed separation time. Optimizing microfluidic EMSAs for high-throughput KD determination We next designed an fsPAG card to support 384 concurrent EMSAs in an open format (EMSA card) compatible with commercial liquid dispensing systems, including the ADE system studied here (Fig. 2A). Each of the 384 unique EMSA models is composed of a 1??1?mm2 sample Rolitetracycline reservoir and a contiguous electrophoretic separation lane that is 4?mm wide (Fig. 2B). The footprint of 384-plex EMSA card corresponds to the planar layout of a 384-well microplate. To fabricate EMSA models, we micro-molded/photo-polymerized a several-hundred-micron solid polyacrylamide gel (PAG)35,38. Open in a separate window Physique 2 Schematic design of sample dispensing techniques and EMSA card for high-throughput KD determination.(A) Side-view schematics of sample dispensing via manual pipetting or acoustic droplet ejection (ADE) to one of the 384 sample reservoirs around the EMSA card. (B) Top-view schematics of the 384-plex EMSA card design. Given our desire for advancing EMSAs to operate in a screening mode, we designed the EMSA card for simple operation such that the full array of 384 EMSA models is controlled with one slab-gel PAGE power supply and two electrodes. A series of 24 individual EMSA models create an electrical circuit between the single anode and the single cathode. The series configuration is usually repeated in parallel 16 occasions to yield the 384 unique C but concurrently actuated C EMSA models. As each 24-plex series of EMSA models are fluidically and electrically connected, we next sought to minimize crosstalk (carry-over) among models of each series. We assessed the electrophoretic mobility of the ultra-high mobility fluorophore (AF647 dye, 0.02?mm2/Vs) to determine the longest acceptable EMSA period (given the total electromigration distance) without crosstalk between two adjacent models. Electromigration of the high mobility standard under EMSA conditions (50?V/cm) established a maximum of 35?s for the EMSA period over the 3.5-mm separation length for the eGFP-Fab EMSAs around the 384-plex EMSA card. Originally developed for accurate, precise transfer of aqueous samples to microwell plates, the ADE technology can deliver 25?nL to 5?L of sample to locations with <5% CV in volume precision40. Here, we interfaced the ADE liquid handling instrument with the EMSA card for Fab screening. For rapid alignment of the ADE fluid source with the fsPAG sample reservoirs, we developed a two-step registration process consisting of: (i) a printed target grid and (ii) a stack comprised of the source plate, the printed target grid, and the EMSA card. After Rolitetracycline registration of the sample reservoirs around the EMSA card to the target grid and source place, the ADE liquid handler dispensed to 384 sample reservoirs in 3?min, with an average droplet-center-to-reservoir-center displacement of Rolitetracycline <10% of the sample reservoir dimensions in both horizontal and vertical directions (Physique S2). Sample dispensing to the 384-plex EMSA card was 85% faster than manual pipetting. Next, we evaluated electrophoresis overall performance for both ADE dispensing and manual sample dispensing to the EMSA card. Here, we employed a well-characterized protein ladder (bovine serum albumin, BSA, at 66.5?kDa; ovalbumin, Mela OVA, at 45?kDa; Fig. 3A). As is usually.