PI3K Provided the fact that -defensins 2 are synthesized by epitheliocytes of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach, in response to any damaging factor, it is assumed that it can be used as a regional molecular marker of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper intestine (18) tuskonus October 24, 2024
PI3K MHC II is portrayed in stromal (C arrows), intratumoral immune system cells (C asterisk), and in cancers cells of tumor nests similarly (C arrowhead) tuskonus March 26, 2023
PI3K Earlier studies implicated Epac (exchange protein directly turned on by cAMP) in exendin-4-cAMP signaling participated in the pancreatic -cells protection from high-glucose (Shao et al tuskonus November 29, 2021