PIP2 2 Western blotting analysis showing representative breast cancer sera recognizing p90/CIP2A recombinant protein tuskonus February 27, 2023
PIP2 Our colleague from pathology, Rui Almeida, worked on microscopy and histology, contributing for a correct histological analysis tuskonus February 21, 2023
PIP2 Today, and conidia infect an incredible number of susceptible people, causing allergies connected with asthma, allergic bronchoalveolitis and sinusitis, with lethal consequences in immunocompromised sufferers ( frequently?ukiewicz-Sobczak, 2013) tuskonus January 31, 2023
PIP2 We found that excess HH signaling in prostate stromal cells has an inhibitory effect on cancer progression, potentially owing to maintenance of SM that might prevent micro-invasion of tumors tuskonus September 3, 2021